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Vegetable Seeds For Sale 

When you choose Suttons seeds you know you will have a high germinating, great value and comprehensive range.


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The delivery charge is worked out by the weight of the order.

1 Packet = £1.25p

2-7 Packets = £3.48p

8-15 Packets = £4.30p

16-19 Packets = £4.95p 

20+ Packets = £6.80p 

Runner Bean Scarlet Emperor

Seeds Edible N-R | Seeds - Runner Bean Scarlet Emperor | Average Contents: 50 Seeds

Runner Bean Scarlet Emperor - Very early, and can be grown on supports or as a ground bean. Heritage Seed Variety, 1895 packet details - Silver-gilt Knightian Medal for Collection of Vegetables, including Sutton's Scarlet Runner Bean. R.H. Society, Oct 24, 1893. For its profuse crop of large tender pods, this is beyond question one of the best types of runner bean. Both in hot and dry, and also in cold and wet seasons, it has yielded remarkable results, and we can recommend it with confidence either for competition or for the table.

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Early Cropping Traditional Favourite
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